
Leading the transition to sustainable freight

Leading the transition to sustainable freight

Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we? The freight industry isn’t exactly a clean industry. We want to change that and create a positive impact – together. It’s about both people and the planet. Because leading the transition to sustainable freight requires a holistic approach. How do we do that?

  1. We take (climate) action
  2. We put people first – they are at the core of leading the transition
  3. We’re honest and transparent about where we’re at
  4. We want to give back more than we take

A proud B Corp since 2019

As a B Corp, we’re part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact. B Corp allows us to evaluate how our initiatives impact people and the planet. It’s our North Star Metric.

Solvej, our Chief Impact Officer, on why we became a B Corp:



Building a diverse team and an inclusive workplace for all. This is how we do it:

  1. Joined the UN’s Target Gender Equality Accelerator Program
  2. PNO-wide participations in trainings on Allyship in the Workplace, Diversity Dictionary and Unconscious Bias by The Other Box
  3. A working group of 4 employees across country offices responsible for our DEI efforts

Learn more about our DE&I targets here.


Empowering women in a male-dominated industry. This is what we do about it:

  1. Introduced the Women in Leadership Coaching Program
  2. Analysing our Gender Gap
  3. Offering sponsorship for women
  4. Min 50% female representation in trainings

See our analysis here.


Investing into developing people – because change starts from within. In 2022, we introduced our PNO Capability Academy. It’s a place to learn all things business, social and behavioural.

We’re also working with Officevibe to gather continuous insights into our culture, collect anonymous feedback and have regular 1:1 conversations.

Learn more here.


Giving back to our local communities is very important to us. Everybody at PNO spends two full working days a year to volunteer with local social and environmental organisations. Want to learn more about what we’ve been up to?

Check out our local initiatives here.


We all have bad days, weird days, good days and in-between days. We want to offer our people the time and space to take care of themselves. Every quarter, we introduce a new health initiative.

Check out our initiatives here.


We have a big heart for projects and groups that can be levers of change in the world – like SAGA. They focus on climate, mental health and education. We believe SAGA can be a changemaker for a more sustainable and equitable society for all of us.

Learn more here.

Our Planet Initiatives

A proud B Corp since 2019

For us, it’s about questioning the status quo and going beyond business-as-usual. B Corp is our North Star metric when it comes to figuring out what impact our initiatives have.

Find us here.

Net Zero by 2030

It’s a big commitment for us because we want to become emissions-free in our operations and throughout our entire value chain. Wondering what it actually means and how are we going to get there? Us too. So we’ve made a bit of a plan, following some great advice from the SME Climate Hub.

Emissions Mapping

With support from Normative, we’re calculating our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in line with the GHG Protocol. This is basically the golden standard on calculating your CO2e emissions. So we can implement initiatives that will actually make a difference.

Check out our Green Sheet here.

CO2 Reduction Targets

Each year, we’re setting Scope 1 and 2 emission reduction targets across our offices.

Find our 2024 targets here.

Impact Ambassadors

In each country office, we have an Impact Ambassadors – a dedicated colleague who drives (local) environmental initiatives. This includes recording our energy, water and heating consumption, organising local community days and tracking and compensating for emissions from team events.

Supplier Assessment

Most of our impact lies in our supply chain. So we’re working closely with our suppliers and supporting them with calculating their carbon emissions. We’ve developed an assessment to see where they’re at with their sustainability initiatives.

Find our assessment here (Excel) and our Supplier Code of Conduct here.

Carbon Removal Projects

Together with Patch, we’re investing into four forward-thinking, international projects to remove and capture carbon. These include kelp forests, olivine, biochar-based fertilizers and injecting CO2 into cement.

Learn more here.

UN Global Compact

We’re committed to the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles covering human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. It’s an initiative aimed at mobilizing a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to achieve a better world.

Learn more here.


Each year, we publish an Impact Report – a place to share the progress of our impact initiatives. It’s about taking an honest look at how far we have come and how far we still need and want to go. Because sustainability is a constant work in progress.

Read our latest reports here.

Our Impact Voices

Do you want to lead the transition to sustainable freight with us?