PNO’s Climate Investments toward Net Zero 2030
PNO has committed to Net Zero by 2030. It is a commitment to become emission-free by 2030 – not only through our own operations but throughout the entire value chain. We continue to build on our sustainability efforts (B Corp framework) and integrate science-based targets to achieve our reduction strategy for Net Zero 2030. It is in line with our purpose of “leading the transition to sustainable freight” along with our B Corp ambitions to raise our Planet ambition even further and faster.
The primary and most crucial element is understanding our climate footprint, so we know where to reduce our emissions, set realistic reduction targets, and then remove the emissions we have not been able to reduce.
The GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions caused by an organization are subsequently removed from the atmosphere to have no impact on the climate. This means offsetting using avoided emissions and no additional GHG reaching the atmosphere because of this organization.
E.g., I release X amount of CO2. To say that I didn’t impact the climate, I make sure that emissions are reduced elsewhere, equivalent to my X-ton CO2.
We have committed to a portfolio of permanent carbon removal projects for our emissions from 2019 to 2021.
How did we decide what to invest in for our removal projects?
We have been seeking advice from a third-party expert, Normative, who helped us set selected projects based on the guidelines put together by Oxford Offsetting Principles that outline how offsetting should be approached to achieve Net-Zero.
Normative pointed us to Patch, which offers a broad portfolio of high-quality carbon offset projects with international reach.
Based on the Oxford Offsetting Principles, we have spread our offsets across:
Running tide kelp sequestration
greenSand Olivine Enhanced Weathering
Carbon Cure Concrete Mineralization
For more information please contact:
Head of People, Communication and Sustainability, Solvej Lee Ørnstrand,
You can read more about how we’re working towards a more sustainable future here.