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Don’t wait for intelligent movement


An impressively innovative technology company, based in Sweden, rethinking the freight transportation system with sustainability and cost disruption at its core.

Einride is a pioneer in the field of fully digital transport solutions through its mobility platform. A platform offering faster, greener, and cheaper freight. What does this actually mean? Example: Through their platform, you are able to gain the exact insights on cost and CO2 for transport, strategic planning for what, when, and how to deploy the sustainable transport unit, etc.

Why are we sharing this? We are excited to share that PNO will be one of the rental partners in the Nordics of their transport solutions. At the moment, Einride has 5 transport units on the road – and two more to come in Q2. These two units will be fully integrated into the Einride platform and rented through PNO. The units will be used for customers like Lidl, Oatly, and others. This marks the beginning of the transition to zero-emission transport which will take place in different stages.

This partnership is a new chapter that we are exploring, as we actively want to push our industry towards sustainable assets with smart digital solutions. The platform from Einride is a powerful example of how the best of technology and innovation create long-term value. We need to be in the center of this (alongside New Cool which is already in our line-up) and move the transition to sustainable freight.

“I am very proud that Einride has chosen to partner with PNO, as it is connecting the dots in terms of our sustainable rental offerings and our purpose. We need to be ahead of the curve – and we do this by exploring partnerships like this. I strongly believe this is a step into a more sustainable freight future – and that is exciting and important.” Jacob Lee Ørnstrand, Group CEO and Owner PNO.


  • Read more about Einride here
  • Read more about PNO’s sustainability profile here
  • Read more about PNO’s New Cool unit here

For more information please contact:

Head of People, Communication and Sustainability, Solvej Lee Ørnstrand, solvej@pnorental.com.


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