Local Community Day with WeFood: The Fight Against Food Waste
Being a B Corp also means that all PNO employees spend two full working days yearly helping the local community on projects to improve the local society’s social and environmental conditions. This year, PNO Group spent the day with WeFood in Copenhagen.
WeFood was founded by Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (DanChurchAid), and the first shop opened in 2016. It’s the first supermarket chain in Denmark to sell products with broken packaging and exceeded shelf-life. When you shop in WeFood you reduce food waste while supporting people in the world’s poorest societies. You’re also supporting Folkekirkens Nødhjælps climate work and development projects in countries like Cambodia, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. All profit from the Wefood shops goes to people in need.
Did you know that 1/3 of all food in the world ends in the bin?
An average family in Denmark throws out 20% of their groceries, while 821 million people live in hunger. This means that every fifth shopping basket we fill in a Danish supermarket ends up in the bin, while 1 in 10 people worldwide does not get enough to eat. You can read more about WeFood and Folkekirkensnødhjælp here.